Roast Beef Peacemaker

Roast Beef Peacemaker
You can't help but feel totally satisfied after downing the "peacemaker," roast beef shoulder served with a Cajun slaw, Creole mustard, Cheddar cheese and thin slices of roast ham.
Directions for: Roast Beef Peacemaker


Creole Mustard

5 Tbsp whole grain Dijon mustard

3 Tbsp yellow mustard

1 oz hot horseradish

cup + 1 Tbsp mayonnaise

1 Tbsp sugar

Cajun Slaw

cup malt vinegar

cup sugar

cup milk

cup mayonnaise

cup Louisiana hot sauce

cup canola oil

head cabbage, shredded

red onion, thinly sliced

red pepper, thinly sliced

green pepper, thinly sliced

Salt and pepper


1 - 1 cups beef au jus

24 oz shredded roast beef shoulder

12 oz thinly-sliced roast ham

6 (6-inch) baguettes

1 cups shredded green leaf lettuce

18 tomato slices

24 red onion slices

6 thick slices Cheddar cheese


Creole Mustard

1. in a small bowl or re-sealable container, whisk together Dijon mustard, yellow mustard, horseradish, mayonnaise, and sugar.

2. Cover and refrigerate until chilled.

Cajun Slaw

1. in a small bowl, whisk together malt vinegar, sugar, milk, mayonnaise, and hot sauce.

2. Add oil in a slow stream, whisking vigorously until incorporated.

3. Season dressing with salt and pepper, to taste.

4. in a large bowl, toss together cabbage, red onion, red pepper, and green pepper.

5. Dress vegetables in the dressing at least 10 minutes and no longer than 1 hour before use.


1. in a medium pan, heat au jus to a boil.

2. Add beef and ham to the au jus and heat until warm.

3. Slice the baguettes of the way through.

4. Spread 2 tablespoons of the reserved Creole mustard on each baguette.

5. Add cup of the Cajun Slaw, cup of the lettuce, three slices of tomato, and four slices of red onion to each baguette.

6. Add one slice of cheese and the warm beef and ham.

7. Repeat assembly with remaining sandwiches and serve.

Tips and Substitutions

Special equipment: Whisk

Creole Mustard and Cajun slaw will last for up to 5 days if covered and refrigerated.

Source and Credits

Recipe courtesy of Quinn Forsyth of Bon Temps Cafe

See more: Beef, Cheese, Comfort Food, Main, Vegetables