Sweet Chili Grilled Steak on Artichoke & Radicchio Salad

Sweet Chili Grilled Steak on Artichoke & Radicchio Salad
Thissalad is a medley of colour, texture and flavour, perfect for a lunch or dinner.
Directions for: Sweet Chili Grilled Steak on Artichoke & Radicchio Salad


Chili Jam Glaze & Steak

65 g (1/2 cup) finely diced cooking onion

30 mL (2 Tbsp) Sambal or Sriracha sauce

6 g (1 Tbsp) finely grated ginger

2 cloves garlic, minced

Juice of 2 limes

800 g beef flank steak

70 g (1/3 cup) granulated sugar

60 mL (1/4 cup) water

Salad & Assembly

4 medium artichokes

2 limes

100 g (2 cups) chopped radicchio

250 g (2 cups) diced English cucumber

2 green onions, sliced

12 g (1/2 cup) chopped fresh coriander

30 mL (2 Tbsp) chopped fresh mint

1 splash fish sauce

Salt and sugar, to taste

Deep-fried shallots, for sprinkling


Chili Jam Glaze & Steak

1. Stir the onion, Sambal (or sriracha), ginger, garlic and lime juice in a large, flat dish. Place the steak into the dish and spoon the marinade over to coat. Cover and chill the steak for at least 30 minutes and up to 3 hours.

Salad & Assembly

1. to prepare the artichokes, trim away leaves with a paring knife and scoop out the choke (the prickly fibres in the centre). Peel the outside of the stem with a paring knife and rub the artichoke hearts with a lime half (the acidity will keep it from browning.) Place the hearts into a medium saucepan filled with cool water and squeeze in the juice from the other lime half. Bring the artichoke up to a simmer and cook until they are fork-tender, about 25 minutes. Drain and cool. Wash your cutting board and knife before preparing the rest of the salad (raw artichokes impart a bitter taste to surfaces they touch.)

2. to assemble the salad, cut the cooled artichokes into wedges and toss with the radicchio, cucumber, green onion, coriander and mint. Add a splash of fish sauce, the juice of the remaining lime and season with salt and sugar to taste. Arrange this on a platter and chill until ready to serve.

3. to grill the steak, heat a grill pan or gas grill on high heat. Grill the steak for about 3 minutes per side (for rare flank steak should not be cooked past medium rare), rotating the steak 90 after 90 seconds to achieve nice grill marks. Remove the steak to a cutting board to rest while finishing the glaze.

4. Transfer the marinade from the flat dish to a small saucepan and add the sugar and water. Cook this down over high heat until a glaze consistency, about 4 minutes. Carve the steak into thin slices against the grain of the meat and arrange this over or alongside the salad. Spoon the chili glaze over the steak, sprinkle with the fried shallots and serve immediately.

See more: Beef, Grill, Herbs, Main, Vegetables, Lunch